Friday, July 27, 2012

I have been feeling like crap all day.  My stomach feels uncomfortable, and I'm just in a blah kind of mood.  I assume it may have to do with my junky food day yesterday.  I started out okay, had about a 1/2 cup of mixed nuts for breakfast and a 1/2 can of Campbell's Bean with Bacon soup for lunch.  But then when I went to work at 2, we had a carry in for a co-worker and I ate 3 small sugar cookies, tortilla chips and bean dip, pasta salad, some muskmelon, and some honey mustard pringles. :(  Yuck....carb city.  Then last night when I got home, I didn't want to eat anything because I felt like crap, but by 9pm I felt starved so I went to Burger King and got a double cheeseburger and fries!!! YUCK, yuck, yuck.  I drank only about 3-4 bottles of water.  I really need to get my water intake to be more like 10 bottles. It's hard.

On the plus side, I found out my friend at work who has been trying to get pregnant for 5 years, is finally pregnant!!!! :) Yay, I'm so extremely excited for her.  She has a child the same age as my youngest, and it's been challenging for her, she is eccstatic. 

By the way, my healthy lifestyle goals are due to myself being pregnant as well.  Only 6 weeks along, so I have told some close friends, and will tell the whole world once I'm safely past 12 weeks.  It's weird too, because I've had symptoms - extreme sensitivity to smell, fatigue, but my husband had morning sickness 3 times!  That is hilarious to me, and I'm greatful for it.  I've been nauseous a couple times, but no throwing up for me...maybe because I had my share with the first 4 kids.  My last pregnancy (8 years ago!!!!) I did not have morning sickness either, thank God.

I feel bloated, gassy, and just lazy.  I don't drink anything besides water but I was hooked on some energy drink packets by Visalus...they're packed full of vitamins but also contain a little caffeine and Rhodiola Extract - so I've been sluggish without those.

My kids are extremely excited about the possibility of a baby brother or sister.  I'm a bit concerned about my age, I feel like 37 is too old, and I thought I was done with my child bearing years.  However, I feel like I've been blessed with a surprise, and of course I'm praying for a daughter since I have only sons, but at this point, I'll be pleased with a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby at the end of it.

Today so far I've eaten an 8" Jimmy Johns veggie sub.  Maybe that's why I don't feel very well.  I ate it all at once, at 11:00 this morning.  I am no where near hungry still....I should probably eat an apple or something. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012


I'm hot and it's so humid. Today is not as bad as yesterday, but I would be eccstatic to have some fall-ish kind of weather right now. I've been having hot flashes and reel like I can't breathe in non-A/C areas. My husband has woke up two nights in a row (mornings, rather) around 4:30am, sick to his stomach and throwing up. Poor guy....I told him better him than me! ;). Thursday's are my difficult days because I work 2-7 and usually take kids along. We are having a carry in today for one of our co-workers who is moving to Texas. I need to go get some shipping done and coerce one of the teens to do dishes. Feeling a little nauseous myself.

Well it's about 11:30 and so far I've washed two loads of laundry, shipped about 7 ebay packages, washed the dishes, and have been rearranging my office.  I'm trying to purge through some stuff to minimize clutter.  Eventually we'll be decluttering each and every room of the house.  I keep debating if I should just cancel a bunch of my ebay auctions and take stuff up town to the consignment shop. 

I should get off the computer so I can work on my very long to-do list. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Eating healthier

Trying to get healthier. I hope not to bore anyone to death but for now, I'm going to be journaling my progress towards better health. Today I did so-so. For breakfast I had a Vi shake w/ almond milk, ff/sf butterscotch pudding mix, 1 TBSP of peanut butter, and almond milk. I had 2 bottles of water and then for lunch I had a 6" veggie sub from subway, a water w/ neuro in it, then around 5 I ate the other 6" of the veggie sub. I had another bottle of water then I wasn't planning on eating anymore, but after a long & hot baseball game I ate 2 grilled burgers with pepper jack cheese (no bun or anything) and a minute maid frozen lemonade. I'm drinking more water. Looks like I need to eat some fruit. Today was not the best I can do. I did take my vitamin.