I'm a stay at home mom with 5 boys, a husband, and a dog. All of whom have huge appetites. I am blogging about ways I manage to keep sanity and make ends meet. Being a homemaker requires multi-tasking, multi-hats, and multi-skills. Here is where I'll share mine, or lack there of. ;)
Monday, July 26, 2010
My mom lives 2 days away. My sisters are all out of state. My dad is dealing with cancer treatment, and lives almost 2 hours away. My kids hate me, and if they don't, they act like it. My husband is soooo distant, it feels like he's not even here.
I know things could be horribly worse. I'm down. I am really down.
I went to the Oncology Center today and into the chemo room to see my Dad. He looked good. He smiled, cracked jokes, and ate food....but all around him, and I mean right around him, were others. Many others, jam packed in one room, all there for the same reason. It was tightly packed, like a classroom with recliners. People everywhere, some sitting and talking to their person who came with. Some watching TV. Some just staring off. Some gray and many bald. Some vomiting. All together in a room, all trying to fight for their life.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
So much for being entertaining!! :)
The job is going well. The second teacher who I complained about has totally surprised me. He's proven to be very bright, well-spoken, and informative. He seems genuinely empathetic and concerned about the future of the students. I think he just might work out in adult ed.
Tonight my kid had a baseball game after 2 weeks of no practice. They won, and I'm so proud. It's so enjoyable watching c-league play. They use the pitching machine and it is really exciting. Who knew, that I was a sports aficionado. I didn't. Anyway, it helps, that my sons team is 8-1 so far this season. Very exciting.
I'm having a yardsale next Friday with my bff and one of her friends. Extra cash is always good, simplifying my life of clutter is always good. I hate having a yardsale though. I love shopping at them, I hate running them. SOOOO much work, for pocket change. It is nice when the change adds up though. I'm thinking of going through my house room by room, and doing like "Clean Sweep" does on HGTV. A pile for garbage, a pile for selling, donation, and keep. Do they have 4 piles? My house is crazy cluttered right now.
My booth at the store up town has now been a mount of a mess for a week now. I can't believe I haven't went and taken care of it yet, I haven't had the time. A lot of the junk needs packed up and put in the yardsale.
I'm throwing a party for my parents on the 7th. It's beginning to feel very stressful because my stepmom is retired and has a lot of time on her hands lately, and feels the need to orchestrate everything. She is quite a perfectionist, as well as the complete opposite of procrastinator. I on the other hand, am the worlds biggest procrastinator, and I work it!!!! :) haha. Anyway, the party is a 60th birthday party for them both/30th wedding anniversary.
My Dad is going through chemo right now. He was diagnosed around Easter with Lymphoma. He has always been a strong, healthy, (invincible) man in my eyes. Never sick. Never complaining. Never anything. Always a hard worker, laid back, just a good guy. It sucks, watching him have to deal with this, and the fear involved. He has an excellent attitude. The tumors that popped up a few months ago, have shrunk and disappeared with the chemo, but Tuesday he goes for his appointment with his Dr., who will tell him whether or not the chemo is helping.
My Mom, who lives in Albuquerque might be coming to visit in early September. I really hope she is. I miss her.
I feel like I'm forgetting another big portion of my life, but I'm sure I'll think of it later. Goodnight - have an excellent weekend!!!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Tiring Tuesday
Started my new job today. I was very impressed with the first teacher. He jumped right in, really related well with the students, and I think we will work well together. Next guy, my age, easy on the eyes, but snoozefest! He was overwhelmed, frustrated, and was very professional, but not quite sure if he's a good fit for Adult Ed. I know his grand-mother-in-law and ADORE her. She is a retired teacher who also teaches GED for us now. I'm rambling. Basically, I don't think this guy has ever been dealt any tough issues, and adult ed students are usually from the school of hard-knocks.
After work, I took the kids to the gym for some rock-climbing and swimming pool fun. (I do not rock climb). We did have a good time but my eyes are burning. They like to splash.
Tuesday nights Losing With Jillian is on so I went to my BFF's house and we watched it together and made a sensible dinner. We made bruschetta with fresh veggies from her garden. Then we made homemade hummus and pita chips, with iced green tea. Yummm! After hearing Jillian brutally whip the tv family into shape, we went out and attempted to do the c2k program. I downloaded the app but have yet to complete it. I'm not a runner but I wish that I was. We mostly walked, though we did do a few jogging intervals.
Never did I snap one photo today except the one of my kid heading to the bus. Do much for my pictorial recap. Maybe I'll shoot for pics tomorrow, on "whirlwind Wednesday". Like that? :)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Manic Monday
I start a new job tomorrow. I used to do marketing for our adult education program and was the workforce development facilitator for our district but that ended due to all of the state level changes. Our local program, however, grew like crazy. They were approved to add a bunch more classes and I'm going to just be a teachers aide. That starts tomorrow, I'm looking forward to getting out of the house a little, (on my own).
Tried putting the kids to bed at 8:30 tonight to have some down tome with the hubby, but I now have to end my blogging to go ask why it sounds like my oldest son is rearranging his room! Grrrr, its now 11:09 pm!!!! Needless to say, DH has been sleeping since about 8:31.
Goodnight! I think tomorrow, I'll shoot for a recap with pics, like manic Monday. In the mean time, I'll try to think of a clever name for it.
Friday, July 16, 2010
TFIF I think
It's not quite done. I couldn't find my roll of magnet to put on the back, so for now, I'm using regular ones. Everyone starts the day with their clip on the white start. They move up if they get warnings or earn consequences, but if they go an entire day of being helpful, staying on white, being nice to their brothers, etc, they get on the blue-green plate. That's big!! Rewards are involved.
I also decided to finally laminate their chore charts, put a laundry day schedule into place, and put a menu chart on my fridge. Here is the laundry chart....very simply made- nothing special.
And I got this adorable little menu printable from the blog, Ucreate. I'm new to blogging and don't know how to make that a link from my iPhone, but I follow that blog and it can be found over to the right.
I shrunk mine to 1/2 page and I laminated it. I don't have a laminator, but bought a package of the sticky kind at Walmart a long time ago.
Other than that, today was very stressful. Had a big event with a kitten, which led to involvement with the neighbor who hates my children....thank God it's fine!!! (I will blog about that some other day) And my husband and I -our marriage- could use prayer bc it feels like the rocks we were on, just started sinking out from under us. That's the best way I can describe without being too "colorful".
I sold something for the first time on craigslist today though. That was cool. Wanna see what it was? Okay, I thought so. It was a mini pocket bike. The guy we bought it from thinking it was a fun kid toy, called it a "chainsaw on wheels". We only let the kids ride it a few times, but we didn't really have a place for this.
Goodnight. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Anger & resentment are festering here.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Twice in one week??
I fed them all, put my swimsuit on, grabbed a towel, informed DH I was going, and I went!!! :). One of my friends has a pool and I drove there, climbed in, and I laid on a float for 3 hours. It was perfectly relaxing, refreshing, and though you may think I abandoned my duties, I deserved it.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Manic Monday
Tried out a little water pad park about 12 miles away, had lots of fun. Friends met us there.
The boys played some video games to wind down after their park fun.
Buster, our cockapoo....looks like a dust mop. He's a sweetie.
Heading north to meet up with my sister for pedicures....stopped for mcdonald's sweet tea.
Kristy, my sister, and I were taking crappy pics of each other waiting for our toes to dry.
Stopped at the super nice Martins for some goodies....
And then my scenic route home past the campus of University of Notre Dame.
AT&T building on the way, just for props. Love my iPhone!
No crafts today. Happy Marvin Monday... I will blog about that later.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
More things I want to make...
Crayola fabric markers
fabric paint
freezer paper
dyed pasta necklaces
personalized pillowcases
popsicle stick harmonica
paint our own shirts
I also want to research more about decorating suitcases...and I have a really cool idea for my 3 elementary aged boys pencil boxes. That will be my original craft post, rather than always copying. :) Cant wait.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Dylan and birthdays
Dylan always gets the shaft on his birthday. This year, it was worse than ever!!! He broke his foot, at VBS last Thursday. So, that not only put a damper on things for him for the 4th of July, but his birthday too, and the rest of the SUMMER vacation, for that matter! Poor kid. I will update with pictures after this post, but they are on my iPhone and I am on the laptop, I am sure there is probably some easy way to get them here in the midst of my words, but I don't now how to do it.
Anyway, this is the week we have had. We have had financial issues lately. The kids, oh my gawwwd, they eat everything in sight. We were running out of food...payday was TODAY, and it couldn't come soon enough. The phone, cable, and internet all got behind. My bank got overdrafted. AND THEN. The freaking washing machine decided to croak out. Then Dyl's birthday. Poor kid.
Today, he went to McD's for breakfast. Then home on the couch. I wanted to take them to the beach, but he didn't want to get sand in his splint. (He gets his 'real' cast tomorrow). THEN we were gonna go to the waterpad park in a little town down the road, but I got sidetracked. More on that in a minute. I wanted to take them to the city pool, Dylan didn't want to take his splint off. He couldn't get ahold of his buddy who was supposed to come with him today. DH had to work 10-8:30 today, so that kind of sucked. Had all the other boys home....and they argued over video games. The dog was indoors (too hot outside), the kittens were running all over, meowing their heads off. It was delightful. NOT. Took Dyl to DQ for a kidcone after lunch. FINALLY found his friend and he got to come over and play....MORE VIDEO GAMES!!! Had late dinner on the grill once hubby got home, and THEN cake and ice cream. Not til 9:30!!! Had another family show up though, with gifts for Dylan. Cool things, like a journal, and paint projects. Stuff he can do with a broken foot.
I forgot to mention it was in the hot 90's today, all humid and sticky. I love it, but I love it better near water. The kids would go outside in small doses then rush back in for water and a/c.
Dylan seemed happier after his guests were here, and he got cake. I sent the kids to bed and went to clean kitchen, and noticed, yet again, Dyl got the bumwrap. There on the kitchen counter were the candles he was supposed to blow out and make wishes with. Well, guess we'll have day 2 continued of a bummy birthday tomorrow. He'll blow out candles. Get his gifts. See his movie. Get a cast right smack dab in the middle of all the other excitement. Then maybe spend his bday money.
I love this kid. He is such a sweetie. Maybe I need to start a 'Dylan's birthday week savings fund' so we aren't in the same predicament next year.
Okay - the tangents I almost veered off on.
Washer - found one on the side of the road today for sale $50. Snatched that up, got it in the van, couldn't get it out by myself and up the steps of the porch. Therefore, I'm packed in the house with 6 kids, but short a van seat in the van. I also tried to 'diy' the whole moving out the old, moving in the new washer to surprise hubby, but ended up ripping a piece of the kitchen flooring. :( NOT GOOD. But YAY, we have a working washer. (Doesn't matter the old is on the front porch at the moment, does it? Thank god tomorrow is trash pick up day). It is horrifying, trying to go without laundry in a 7 person household with pets.
P.S. Dylan needs a trombone for band. I signed him up, he has no horn. Prayers that an inexpensive one falls into our laps!
I almost forgot, most importantly, Dylan, I love you! Happy Birthday. (As IF he reads this).
Monday, July 5, 2010
New crayons
My kids lose crayons like they're going out of style so this was quite a steal! Then I saw a cute kids craft on another bloggers page (I'm sorry but I don't recall which one).
Here is what we did:
1. Peel the labels off the old crayons and separate by color into an old cupcake pan.
2. Melt in oven that is warmed to 200 degrees. Once melted thoroughly, approx. 10-15 minutes, remove from oven and let cool.
3. After cooled, place in freezer to easily remove from pan! They'll simply come right out after being in freezer.
4. Enjoy your new crayons!! These large crayons are great for small hands to color with.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Our finances are all screwed up.
I swear my DH & I gain a pound everyday, and I think it's all the stress.
I'm going to start the c2k program in the morning. No matter what, I have to now, since I wrote it down.
My first priority needs to be my marriage, but I feel like avoiding that issue. :( I need to work at it. I'd rather do anything else but that.
Happy 4th.